Thursday, January 28, 2010

English 101.25 - Scream Your Heart Out

The title of this blog comes from the song I'm currently listening to on itunes. It talks about living with no regrets and doing everything you're supposed to do or want to do in life.

Here's the prompt:

"Why does everyone think that Gallien (the man who gave Chris a ride) in Into the Wild, opted to not call the police after Chris left his car? Gallien said, "I figured he'd be OK," but why would anyone think this considering where Chris was going with little to no supplies? State your opinion."

For Gallien, I believe he did not want to tell anyone because of what Chris said to him. Chris was telling Gallien that he did not want him to call the police or contact anyone whatsoever about his situation. Gallien making the statement, "I figured he'd be OK" is at least a lie or cover up in my eyes. If I were put in Gallien's situation, I would have two main consequences for my actions. The first is if I tell the authorities, what will Chris think of me as a person if I did not keep my word? Secondly, if I opted not to tell anyone, what would happen if Chris died out in the wilderness and I could have prevented it? Obviously, the second outcome is what actually happened. Gallien was being honorable to Chris by keeping his word, but he should have told someone in order to potentially save his life. Remember Chris left a note pleading, "In the name of God will someone save me?" Now Gallien has to live with the death of a man that will linger in his mind.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

ENGL 101.25: Collide

I got the title for this blog because I have to start blogging for my English class (completely different from what I expected) and because "Collide" is a great song I can relate to. My name is Jonathan Martz, although I prefer to be called Jon. I like Jon because it is less writing to do when it comes to filling out papers and to me it just sounds better. I was born on December 16, 1990 in Merrian, Kansas; yes I am a country boy at heart. But as time went on I turned into a city boy as my family and I moved to Maple Valley, WA. We lived there from 1994-2006, where we once again moved; this time to Normandy Park. I am currently a freshman at WSU majoring in International Business. Also, I act as an Resident Advisor (RA for short) in Streit-Perham (yes, freshman can be RAs too). I enjoy playing sports and music.

My writing career has taken many twists and turns, going from being highly interested in elementary school, to hating it in middle school and junior high, to finally coming to terms with it in high school. My favorite writing class that I took was during my senior year of high school, in which I took Creative Writing. I really had a blast because I had some limitations to my writing, but not many. Normally for papers or essays you have to write on a specific topic that usually is not interesting (which is why I have disliked writing for many years). I just want to be able to put my own spin on writing assignments in English 101. I like taking various memories and moments of my life and putting them into writing. As for my attitude, I am not looking foward to this English Class because it is more work than I expected. Plus, being an RA and putting as much time into my classes this semester as I did last semester is not exactly the greatest combination in the world. But being a student comes first; besides, I have to keep up my grades for my scholarships and in order to get into the Business Program here.

So here's to the beginning of my second semester of college. Hopefully it continues to go as well as it has been so far.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Seasons Change

So far this winter break has been nothing shy of interesting. Whether it was having my girlfriend meet my parents or learning various things about people I never thought were possible. All I know is that somehow I survived my first semester at college, and there will be more moments waiting for me.

As for the point of seasons, the changes bring new excitement and perspectives that shed light on to our lives. It can range from looking back on something and realizing what exactly went on or see instances from another person's point of view. As for me, I've learned some incredible things over break. First my grandpa is in the early stages on alhs heimers (spelling?) and he seems to ask the same things over and over again. Also, he called me Byron several times throughout the course of Christmas Day. Second one of my friends is pregnant, or so she tells me. I really don't know what to believe from her nowadays. I remember her being such a nice and sweet girl freshman year of high school, but she's really let things go in her life. It seems choatic with every new thing that is thrown at her. I really wish sometimes I could help, but then again, she's doing this to herself right? If I can't really influence her, is there a point in trying?

Over break, it seems there are other people that have changed too. One of my other good friends just seems different. I can't put a finger on it exactly, but I just sense something. We barely talk even though I seem to wonder what is exactly up with them. I guess I should just keep more thoughts to myself. Then there's my this guy. He's changed probably the most out of anyone I've ever known. Obviously I've known him for 19 years practically, but I remember him being a nice guy trying to hang with me a lot, and now he just tends to do his own thing. It's whatever he wants. He just will never know that I always wanted to be more like him when I was younger. But now as I see it, I've somewhat emerged above and beyond him. Even my parents think that; it's just interesting what happens in time.

I'll be back to the frozen tundra of Pullman by this time next week, and back to the regular college life once again. The landscape constantly changes, and people so rightfully do the same. I guess it just takes some time to adapt to one's new surroundings.

"Seasons change and so do I, you need not wonder why..."