Friday, March 5, 2010

English 101.25 - Stronger

Yes I know the title is from a Kanye West song, but I had a real difficult time figuring out what the title of this post would be. Here's the prompt:

"Do you think it was a good idea to add the chapters about Walt (Chris’ father) and Krakauer as individuals? What did it do for you for your views of the novel? Did anything change your opinion or did it support what you already thought? Why?"

So I guess it's back to talking about Into the Wild and all that good stuff. Anyways, for Krakauer to add the chapters about Walt and himself as individuals were good. However, I would have preferred that the chapter about Walt be placed earlier to get a better sense of Chris' parents. But I suppose the way they are placed is beneficial for the story in the sense that it does not give any information away until later on in the novel. These accounts have impacted my view on Chris, who I believed at the beginning of the story was just a kid who was foolish in venturing out to Alaska. Towards the beginning of the book gave me the persception that Chris was begging for someone to save his life even though he knew what he was getting himself into. I based my 'judgment' more-so on the decision instead of the motive behind it. Also, seeing how Krakauer went out like Chris did showed a lot about his character and that various circumstances can happen to alter different situations. Take for example the incident with the tent; it put Krakauer in a really bad spot out in the cold without a protective shield on his tent. Some things could have happened to Chris that could have been essentially unpreventable, but we don't know entirely.

I wish I had more to say since this feels like a short blog. I guess I'm not as interested in talking about this topic this week.


  1. you write so much each week that i think you're allowed a pass.
    it's so fun for me to read these!

  2. I like that you were honest in not wanting to talk about his subject. You also bring up a valid point with Krakauer's tent. People thought that Chris dying was a result of his stupidity, when it could have been something totatlly unpreventable that we just don't know about. I like how Krakauer's portion was later in the book because it gave the reader a chance to form an opinion about Chris and give his full story, before talking about himself. I think Krakauer's section reinforces Chris' story. It is also true that for readers, such as yourself, who thought of Chris as ignorant needed the information about his father to understand more about Chris' reasoning.

  3. I constantly think about why Krakauer placed these two chapters where he did. For me, I would have liked to know about Krakauer's journey a few chapters earlier. It would have just gave me a bit more of that "something" I guess. You made such a realistic point by saying that your view on Chris has changed. At the beginning of the book it totally seemed like Chris was a totally insane idiot that was giving up his life. Now I understand there was more to it, which makes me want to keep reading this book.

    I almost want to do more research to find out all the character flaws of both these individuals and go beyond just what the text says. It seems like we are getting a good idea of the kind of lives these guys had, but I feel like there might be some interesting things about Chris that are a bit hidden.

  4. I think this chapter helped me the same way it helpe you. This chapter helped you understand Chris and his motives, while it helped me understand Krakauer and his motives. At least I think that is that similar. I think you are also saying you see credibility from Krakauer in the Chapter. And because he can share his experience with you, you are able to understand Chris even more.
