Friday, February 26, 2010

English 101.25 - Say It Ain't So

The title for this blog comes from what I did for my rhetoric project; post secret (in which I made post cards detailing some secrets I have in my life). Sometimes I wish they weren't true. Anyways, the prompt for this week is:

"What did you think was the most effective type of media in presenting an aspect of rhetoric? Would you have chosen a different media source if you could for the rhetorical analysis project? Why or why not?"

The most effective type of media in presenting an aspect of rhetoric is on television. The one video seen in class on Thursday would have had music going along with the pictures. In my opinion, having music going along with the images are more powerful than just reading words or seeing images off a piece of paper. Even though those advertisements on handouts or postcards can be kept with people for longer periods of time and be remembered longer, more people pay attention to what is on television nowadays. Less and less people are reading, and generally only read if they have to for classes or for other specific jobs.

If I had the choice to change what media source I completed my project in, I would have chosen the video. The video seems like a fun and interesting way to get a point across. The thing is, I am not that creative or really want to dedicate all of my time to do something as extenstive as that. Props to those who did the videos for the project! Also, to those who did advertisements and post secret, the ones that I saw had time and effort put in so kudos to you as well! Just I would have put more time into the video then what I did for post secret. I still had a good time conveying my ideas/secrets to others, however.

Either way, I believe visuals are more effective than just words.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with the video being very effective. Just from the example in class when the music didn't work it showed how important sound can be to make something more appealing or entertaining. Just the visual got the point across but wasn't as effective. I think that ads are more effective though because people don't always know they are being affected by them. They are found everywhere not only in what you read but on television and bilboards.
    It would have been cool to do a video, but I don't know if I would be able to pull it off. Making the video itself is time consuming, but the part I would have problems with would be coming up with an idea and layout for the video that would be entertaining and effective. I'm better at just creating visuals.
    Thank you for the appreciation of our projects, we all worked hard and you did a good job as well!

  3. Videos are always effective, and more influential than an advertisement indeed, but REPETITION is how we remember things best, and those advertisements I see every single day influence me most. Yeah, Geico car insurance and the little lizard have influenced many, definitely more than if Geico advertised by paper only, but not very often does an advertisement video get rcognized that much. I have a hard time arguing this because I think both are competitiely equal when it comes to impact.

    Great Job on your project man.

  4. A picture is worth a thousand words. So you are right. And usually the best way to get a message across is in a commercial we see on TV so the idea that the video was a very good way must be true. And it is fun. I don't know what I would have done if I did a video either. My postcards were pretty basic.
