Monday, November 16, 2009

Dad's Weekend

This past weekend my dad traveled all the way out to Pullman for Dad's weekend. I haven't seen him since I was last in Seattle 2 months ago for the football game at Qwest Field. Anyways, it was great seeing him. He said I had lost weight (haha in your face doctors!) and it was just nice catching up. I mean, we talk on the phone every weekend, but it's still not the same as seeing someone in person.

Friday, I hung with my brother and dad for a few hours before band practice. Stupid snow at was really crazy. After that we went to Moscow to have pizza. I don't think I've ever eaten so much in my life haha. We played our card games too at the restaurant. Later we went back to my brother's room and chilled until midnight when I left to get sleep.

Saturday, I had to get up at 6:45 for band practice. Band was fun, and I saw my brother and dad in the stands. My dad took a few pictures with his fancy camera (so jealous haha). The game sucked and it was freezing cold, but I had a good time with my band friends. After the game I ended up slipping on the ice and hit my knee on the ground. Luckily my collarbone didn't get hit or that my head didn't hit this pole that was right by my head. Me being lucky again I suppose. But I went to dinner with my brother and dad, then we left for Beasley Colleseum to see JEFF DUNHAM!!! I was so stoked for the show. It was totally worth waiting for, and basically one fo my dreams came true that night.

Sunday, got up around 9 to go to church with my dad and brother. Afterwards we went to Dismores then a Mexican restaurant. I had steak fajitas (my favorite mexican food!!!) and my brother and I started reminiscing in times when we were younger and how we were so weird. Lol anyways, so we left and went back to help our dad pack. Then we said goodbye to Bman and went to my room to get some things for my dad to take back home. I think before he left, it was one of the few times we said we love each other. I mean the relationship is there, but it's not the same as saying the words. After he left, I couldn't stop smiling because I had a great weekend. Still, I was sad that he left. Good thing Thanksgiving break is this week. Hopefully I can get through the week and end up surprising a few people during the following week.

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