Wednesday, December 16, 2009

One's Birthday

This day is supposed to truly mean something; a time of happiness and celebration. My last 2 birthdays were all about that. 17th was the best one for obvious reasons. Scoring a goal in my first opportunity at foward plus getting a shutout. And to top it all off, two of my good friends were at the game and gave me a blanket and a homemade card. 18th was decent, it was snowing and I had a bunch of people at school say it to me so it was really great. As I turned 19 today I didn't know what to think. This age isn't anything special; it's not like 16, 18 or even 21. I had a Economics final and it went terrible. I just know it did but it's not like I did well in that class anyways. I just need like a C and I would be happy.

Today actually turned out fairly well. Most people that I'm friends with wished me a happy birthday. But a few people that I thought would never did :/ Idk it's just weird to me anyways...but today nonetheless was not as bad as it could've been. I'm happy I haven't gone completely insane due to finals week and that I pretty much survived it all. Just can't wait to go home to see my old friends.

Thank you to those that remembered this day as my birthday, even though truly it's not my day. Thank you for making what it is. I greatly appreciate it. And I hope everyone has a happy holiday season.



Thursday, December 3, 2009

That one song

Has there ever been a time where you find a song that describes a particular moment in your life? Whether it be a joyful time with a close friend, an inside joke with family, or remembering those that have made an impact on your life, songs really explain what sometimes one cannot. For me personally, I'm not the greatest at talking or getting my point across. So I tend to turn to music to convey what I'm feeling. I have my own list of songs that remind me of various people, because it just reminds me of a particular moment with them. It's just truly amazing on the basis of what music has been in my life. I don't really have a favorite song, but there are times where I'll only listen to that one song over and over, or that one song I can't get out of my head no matter. It's times like these where I really get thinking about the past and how I miss it. I'll leave with the song that's currently on my mind:

I'm back, back in town
and everything has changed
I feel, feel let down
The faces stay the same
I see, see shadows
Of who we used to be
When I drive, drive so slow
Through this memory

When we were only kids
And we were best of friends
And we hoped for the best
And let go of the rest

I heard, heard myself
Say things I'd take back
If I could, could retell
And make these stories last
I see, see shadows
Of who we'll always be
And I drive, drive these roads
That made our memories

When we were only kids
And we were best of friends
And we hoped for the best
And let go of the rest
Shadows and regrets
Let go of the rest

Everything has changed
Faces stay the same
Everything has changed
Faces stay the same

When we were only kids
And our time couldn't end
And how tall did we stand?
With the world in our hands

And we were only kids
And we were best of friends
And we hoped for the best
And let go of the rest

Shadows and regrets
We let go of the rest
Shadows and Regrets
We let go of the rest

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Visiting High School Once Again

Being able to travel back to JFK (now known as KC) gave me the opportunity to appreciate a few things. One, I actually became a somebody by transferring to that school. Orginally I was a no body for the majority of my life. But through my high school experience I was able to do something with my life. Two, I made so many great friends that hopefully will stay with my for my entire life. I will remember so many of them throughout the wonderful memories and such. Three, I've been called a role model, a legend, and I've supposedly left my legacy enstilled in the hearts of many. It's true that I've done something truly remarkable.

Going back though has made me think a lot about my life. I want to continue to be somebody and try to pave the way for others. Sure I will be forgetten by most, whether it be by people who promised they'd stay in contact with me forever or otherwise. It's just part of life. You just got to appreciate the little things that happen along the way.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Even though I'm back home from college for the week, it seems as though things are hitting me pretty hard. I thought things were going great, but turns out no matter how you look at it there will always be some problems occuring some where.

I just have mixed emotions relating to my current girlfriend and this other girl. And I have no idea who to talk to. I can't even explain my feelings at all. This is just weird, or maybe I'm just imagining things. I really don't know...

I've been contimplating whether business is the right major for me. I mean the standard classes I'm doing ok in. It's just economics is bring me down. I mean I do have a B in it, don't get me wrong that's good, but the thing is I'm averaging a C- on my tests right now. That's pretty weak in my opinion. But whatever I guess I should be happy that I'm even passing.

I just wish that I could've done a lot of things differently, but I've obviously made my decisions for a reason. And I should stick by them even though if I may truly regret it. It's life and I should learn not to live in the past, but to live in the present.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Dad's Weekend

This past weekend my dad traveled all the way out to Pullman for Dad's weekend. I haven't seen him since I was last in Seattle 2 months ago for the football game at Qwest Field. Anyways, it was great seeing him. He said I had lost weight (haha in your face doctors!) and it was just nice catching up. I mean, we talk on the phone every weekend, but it's still not the same as seeing someone in person.

Friday, I hung with my brother and dad for a few hours before band practice. Stupid snow at was really crazy. After that we went to Moscow to have pizza. I don't think I've ever eaten so much in my life haha. We played our card games too at the restaurant. Later we went back to my brother's room and chilled until midnight when I left to get sleep.

Saturday, I had to get up at 6:45 for band practice. Band was fun, and I saw my brother and dad in the stands. My dad took a few pictures with his fancy camera (so jealous haha). The game sucked and it was freezing cold, but I had a good time with my band friends. After the game I ended up slipping on the ice and hit my knee on the ground. Luckily my collarbone didn't get hit or that my head didn't hit this pole that was right by my head. Me being lucky again I suppose. But I went to dinner with my brother and dad, then we left for Beasley Colleseum to see JEFF DUNHAM!!! I was so stoked for the show. It was totally worth waiting for, and basically one fo my dreams came true that night.

Sunday, got up around 9 to go to church with my dad and brother. Afterwards we went to Dismores then a Mexican restaurant. I had steak fajitas (my favorite mexican food!!!) and my brother and I started reminiscing in times when we were younger and how we were so weird. Lol anyways, so we left and went back to help our dad pack. Then we said goodbye to Bman and went to my room to get some things for my dad to take back home. I think before he left, it was one of the few times we said we love each other. I mean the relationship is there, but it's not the same as saying the words. After he left, I couldn't stop smiling because I had a great weekend. Still, I was sad that he left. Good thing Thanksgiving break is this week. Hopefully I can get through the week and end up surprising a few people during the following week.

Friday, November 13, 2009

College life thus far

Looking back at my final year of high school, I was totally siked to head to college. Taking a look back on what I've experienced so far, I must say that I'm impressed with what I have done. So far I have:

Maintained decent grades
Received the highest test score out of the entire class
Learned alto saxophone for the CMB
Met new people and made new friends
Branched away from my brother, but still hang out with him weekly
Had time for fun and studies
Got a girlfriend

I originally thought that at WSU I wouldn't adapt well, just as what happened with my brother. But I learned that I have got to be one of the luckiest freshman college students in the entire world.

One thing I wish to improve upon is keeping in contact with my old friends from high school or other various times. They are wonderful people, even though I don't see them and barely talk to them. They are important people that have greatly affected the person I am today. The least I can do is keep in touch. At times it is difficult, but I bet I can fit everything in.

Also, I am continually exhausted, tired, and feel sick. Even though people tend to not know that or I tell them I'm fine...the truth is I'm just toughing it out. I don't want people to worry about me because they have way better things to worry about than me. But that's really beside the point.

I hope that the rest of this semester goes well, and things keep rolling well on to the 2nd semester. Me and my red clown shoes just need to keep moving along in stride...